Sparrenberger, Cynthia
Sleepwalker, 2021
Mixed ( collage, graphite, oil sticks, acrylic paint, on paper)
78 x 61 inches
Exhibition Date:
Spring 2023
“A Social Statement.”
mixed-media, paper, acrylic, graphite, oil stick, collage
Sparrenberger, Cynthia
Indianapolis, Indiana
Sparrenberger lives and works between New York and Indianapolis. She received her B.A. from American University in Washington, D.C. and was an M.F.A. student at the the New York Studio School in New York City. Her work has been exhibited in both national and international venues.
Artist Statement
Ms. Sparrenberger is an American mixed-media artist working within formats that range from books, to film, to works on paper. Applying humor as both a conceptual and material tactic, her subject matter deals with the illusory, the psychological and the transcendent. Her raw tactile surfaces convey the darkest of subject matter, and satirical social comment.
Other archived works by Cynthia Sparrenberger.

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