Hue 250
Creation Date and Location:
June 2021
Sparks Glencoe, MD
rug tufting and embroidery
Blue Hue 250 is a painting done in the media of rug tufting and reverse punch needle, a form of embroidery.
68 x 58 inches
Embroidery, textile, tufting
Sparks Glencoe, MD
Artist Statement
My recent work veers between recognizable to the abstract, derived from life and led by the subconscious. I work in a wide range of images and processes, moving from printmaking, painting and mixed media, using the constraints of each medium to intercede on one another. The structure of collage, across all media, allows for play and multiple points of view in a work, creating a channel to a subconscious narrative. Color and pattern direct these works into woven collaged elements that build on the last layer. Working in a collage sensibility, images coalesce and collapse almost simultaneously. In the compressed space of the canvas, there are many methods employed, including stenciling, printing and layering to create a frenetic, energized sense of movement that flirts with a controlled chaos of events. This approach in painting has branched out into rug tufting, pulp painting and printmaking. The layers of pattern and image mimic the fluidity of thought. Recently, playful interactions between physical media added to paint, has manifested in larger mixed media works, creating pockets of illusion that give momentary resting spots on the journey through the work. Increasingly, mixed media has worked into my paintings blurring the line of what actually constitutes a painting.
Other archived works by this artist.

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