Don’t Shut Up 2021

Artists: Audrey Frank Anastasi, Nancy Azara, Kyra Belan, Marcia Bernstein, Andrea Borsuk, Jo-Ann Brody, Pauline Chernichaw, Regina Corritore, Loren Dann, Anne Drager, Susan Duby, Sharyn Finnegan, Betsey Garand, Laura Gelsomini, Joan Giordano, Carol Goebel, Janet Goldner, Susan Grabel, Grace Graupe-Pillard, Zhen Guo, Melanie Hickerson, robin holder, Leigh Jerome, Carla Rae Johnson, Susan Kaplow, Tania Kravath, Barbara Lubliner, Cynthia Mailman, Virginia Maksymowicz, Ann Marie McDonnell, Marjorie Morrow, Vernita N’Cognita, Ruth Bauer Neustadter, Susan Newmark, Kristi Pfister, Helen Redman, Louise Reiner, Pam Shields, Clarissa Sligh, Linda Stein, Heather Topp, Audrey Ushenko, Doris Vila, Joyce Ellen Weinstein, Nancy Quin & Deborah Woodbridge

Don’t Shut Up – Guest Curated Special Edition

Curated by Susan Grabel and Stefany Benson, Don’t Shut Up 2021 was conceived as a response to the silencing of women and for the need to raise women’s voices as in #MeToo #NeverthelessShePersisted #DontShutUp #TimesUp.

Through interruptions, censure, violence, and threatening behavior — both in person and online- women are silenced every day. It’s time to ensure that women’s voices are heard and valued. Rebecca Solnit writer, historian and activist says: “Having a voice is crucial. It’s not all there is to human rights, but it’s central to them… By redefining whose voice is valued, we redefine our society and its values. . .”

Don’t Shut Up 2021 presents the work of 47 woman-identifying artists from across the US and Canada who are working to challenge and disrupt the status quo through their ongoing artistic practice. This multimedia exhibition provides a platform for those voices.

With panel discussions and other public programs as well as the exhibition itself, Don’t Shut Up hopes to raise awareness, keep community conversations alive and encourage the viewer to advocate and work for women’s rights.