The Anonymous Harvesters
Creation Date and Location:
Hubbardsville, NY
August 16, 2021
Digital transfer, collage, acrylic, watercolor, cheesecloth on panel.
June through October, the harvesters anonymously supply the area with fresh food.
12 x 18 inches
digital transfer, collage, acrylic, watercolor, landscape, community
Hubbardsville, NY
Artist Statement
I create paintings and installations with translucent material based on my observations and immersion in the systems of landscape. The encounter plays a fundamental role in my work. The work itself often starts as material placed as an interaction in landscape. These interactions with space are motivated by a desire for a relationship with a place and the moment. By walking, looking, collecting detritus and using material that becomes an element of that space the work becomes a distillation of the encounter.
For several years my work has focused the networks of landscape that are tied to water as a foundational resource. My connections and understandings of the physical impact of water, its role in the economy and culture is tied to this system of landscape, the watershed.
I am beginning to think of the watershed as a metaphor for memory. That we have a collective memory that filters our views and understanding of place. During the residency I want to expand on this concept of memories lost in the watershed. To create work that interacts with a space moving my perception of landscape from a scenic vista to a larger ecological understanding of place.
Other archived works by this artist.

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