Kathy Cantwell was born in Trenton NJ and is currently living and working in Montclair NJ. A member of The Painting Center in Chelsea area of New York City. Cantwell received her BFA from CWPost College and attended the Visual Art Center of NJ where she learned encaustic and now teaches encaustic there. She has shown and is collected nationally and internationally.


British born Katharine Dufault is a New York Times-reviewed artist, curator and visual arts consultant. As a multimedia artist, she works in oils, encaustic, printmaking and photography. Dufault graduated with honors from Columbia University, with a degree in painting and literature after studying visual arts, graphic design and photography at Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge, England. She regularly exhibits her work and has been in numerous shows in New York City, Boston, Ohio, Connecticut, Westchester county, the Berkshires and Cambridge, England. Dufault’s work is included in many corporate and private collections. Dufault lives and works in Columbia County, NY and the Berkshires, MA.


Barrett did her undergraduate work at RISD and NYU and received a M.A. in painting from Hunter College. She has exhibited throughout New York City and the Hudson Valley in both solo and group shows. Her work can be found in numerous private collections.