Watercolor, paper, collage
20 x 14 inches
Spring 2023
Visual artist. Oil, watercolor, collage, photo, and mixed media. One voice speaking artistically in many different languages.” Curious about the world !!!
Collage, mixed media, cardboard

São Paulo, Brazil
The Art of Rita Holcberg
Rita Holcberg’s paintings favor the emotional, the handmade, and the immediate. Her early paintings are an exploration of mark making techniques with brushes, sponges, cardboard, kitchen utensils, sticks, anything she thought would be interesting. Holcberg discovered for herself the very essence of applying paint to canvas.
Holcberg continues to fearlessly experiment with every means at a painter’s disposal–multiple mediums, heavy textures, and strong colors with bursting motifs. All coalesce into a visceral self-expression where surfaces run to extremes. Viscous mounds of oil paint or thinly dripped acrylic washes cling to a linen ground. Nail polish, coffee, tea and ink unveil a freer line. Her instincts, sense of play, and personal touch reveal a remarkable sensitivity to how the physicality of the material enacts to embody emotions.
While these paintings may appear to be abstract, Holcberg’s affinity for an expressive narrative and an association with the feminine cannot be denied. The uninhibited; the little esoteric markings; the repeated strokes; the splatter and the angst. These figurative elements as metaphor speak to her own experiences of living, loving, and surviving. Holcberg graciously invites us inside, to look up, to look down, to look all around her sometimes dark, sometimes light, but always beautiful world.
–Perri Neri, Artist, Curator, New York
Artist’s Statement:
“The cultures of the countries I lived in, Argentina, Brazil, Italy and the USA, nurtured and enriched my journey, my creativity and my art.”
“One voice speaking artistically in many different languages. Design, fashion, the studies and the love for the arts are the background where I trained my “eye” developing a sense of color, rhythm, texture and space.”
“Color is my medium. Spontaneous and intuitive brush strokes, motion and action organize and express my inner chaos on the canvas.”
“I thank artists of the past and present for their inspiration: Matisse, De Kooning, Richter and Kiefer are just a few.”
As culturas dos países em que vivi, Argentina, Brasil, Itália e Estados Unidos nutriram e enriqueceram minha jornada, minha criatividade e minha arte.
Uma voz falando artisticamente em muitos e diferentes idiomas. Design, moda e o amor pelas artes compõe o background onde treinei meu olhar desenvolvendo um senso de cor, ritmo, textura e espaço.
Color is my medium! Pinceladas espontâneas e intuitivas, movimento e ação, organizam e expressam o caos interior sobre a tela.
Agradeço a artistas do passado e presente por sua inspiração: Matisse, De Kooning, Richter e Kiefer são alguns deles.
Vivo e trabalho em São Paulo, Brasil
More work by Rita Holcberg

Memory Quilt #4, 2021.
São Paulo, Brazil
Mixed Media on Cardboard
11.5 x 9.25 inches.
October 2021
“Visual artist. Oil, watercolor, collage, photo, and mixed media. One voice speaking artistically in many different languages. Curious about the world !!!”
-Rita Holcberg

Memory Quilt #3, 2021.
São Paulo, Brazil
Mixed Media on Cardboard
11.5 x 9.25 inches.
November 2021
“Visual artist. Oil, watercolor, collage, photo, and mixed media. One voice speaking artistically in many different languages. Curious about the world !!!”
-Rita Holcberg

Symphony in Pink 2, 2021.
São Paulo, Brazil
Oil on canvas
30 x 40 inches.
December 2021 Exhibition Catalogue
“Visual artist. Oil, watercolor, collage, photo, and mixed media. One voice speaking artistically in many different languages. Curious about the world !!!”
-Rita Holcberg

Symphony in Pink 3, 2021
São Paulo, Brazil
oil on canvas, 40 x 30 inches
Visual artist. Oil, watercolor, collage, photo, and mixed media. One voice speaking artistically in many different languages.” Curious about the world !!!

FEBRUARY 2022 Exhibition Catalogue
Symphony in Pink 1, 2021
São Paulo, Brazil
oil on canvas, 40 x 30 inches
Visual artist. Oil, watercolor, collage, photo, and mixed media. One voice speaking artistically in many different languages.” Curious about the world !!!

Symphony in Pink 1, 2021
São Paulo, Brazil
Mixed Media on cardboard, 11.5 x 9.5 inches
Visual artist. Oil, watercolor, collage, photo, and mixed media. One voice speaking artistically in many different languages.” Curious about the world !!!

Never Too Late for Roses 8, 2021
São Paulo, Brazil
oil on canvas, 20 x 20 inches
Visual artist. Oil, watercolor, collage, photo, and mixed media. One voice speaking artistically in many different languages.” Curious about the world !!!

Never Too Late for Roses 7, 2021
São Paulo, Brazil
oil on canvas, 20 x 20 inches
Visual artist. Oil, watercolor, collage, photo, and mixed media. One voice speaking artistically in many different languages.” Curious about the world !!!

Untitled, 2021
São Paulo, Brazil
oil on canvas, 20 x 20 inches
Visual artist. Oil, watercolor, collage, photo, and mixed media. One voice speaking artistically in many different languages.” Curious about the world !!!