
Creation Date and Location:
October 13, 2021.
Livingston Manor, NY

Paper on Panel


30 x 40 inches

Mixed Media, Panel, Canvas,  Abstract

Livingston Manor, NY

Artist Statement

I use mostly paper. My interest revolves around space and often water and the sense of floating and movement. My preferred methods are paint, etched and collage of my printed surfaces.”

Other archived works by this artist.

Aqua, 2021, mixed media, 30″ x 40″

September 2021 Catalogue

“New feeling of the sea.” – Madelon Jones

Sept. 2021 Artist Statement:
My work uses paper as my primary means in mxed media panels. My work is a portal to an abstract world eliciting movements of air and water. Each piece tries to depict constant motion. Cut colored repurposed prints are used as collage creating the flying or swimming shapes. I am experimenting with a feeling of weightlessness. Utilizing paint, brushstrokes, rubbing, collage and
layering to achieve the lightness.

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